Author Archives: Rishi Chowdhury

About Rishi Chowdhury

Co founder of YHP, founder of IncuBus Ventures, online marketing consultant & host of one of London's top entrepreneurial events (Flagons Den). Regularly found networking around Tech City, convincing myself I'm working. Working for the future, living for the moment.

Is this the future of conferences? Totem Summit 2017 Events

​Conferences these days can be a little dull… To say the least. Great talks can be insightful but it’s normally the connections made, that I’ve seen tends to be most useful in movi Read More...

Value is in the eye of the beholder. But what influences the beholder in their perceptions? Uncategorized

Customer perceived value is incredibly influential when it comes to making product and marketing decisions. How do consumers perceive value; how can we assign value, prestige and buy-ability to a prod Read More...

From Conversation to Conversion – The Power of Chatbots Technology

With messaging apps surpassing social networks, conversational interfaces are on their way to become the new standard. The adoption of chatbots is growing rapidly, and MOBGEN showcase how adding a cha Read More...

Accelerated Digital Ventures launches platform to invest £200 million a year in UK startups & scaleups Investment

Today marks the launch of Accelerated Digital Ventures (ADV), a new venture platform that will fund all stages of the digital technology business life cycle, from entry to exit. Led by the founder of Read More...

Julie-Anne Uggla didn’t let a tough upbringing stop her on her way to becoming a successful serial entrepreneur and investor Be Inspired

Julie-Anne was born in Zimbabwe, moving to Canada before her parents divorced. She is an only child and, though she says her poor upbringing in a small apartment with a single mum was difficult, her m Read More...

Tech for Britain 2016 – Exploring digital transformation Events

On 9th June 2016, thought leaders in tech, industry heads and like-minded professionals come together for an event that explores digital transformation and the role technology will play in the future Read More...

James Dawson, creating teas for a new generation of tea drinker with T Plus Drinks Entrepreneurs

This week I caught up with James Dawson who left the corporate life to start T Plus Drinks, a healthy tea company. Can you give me a bit of background to yourself? I’ve been an FMCG business own Read More...
Doppels App featured

Doppels seeks to reinvent birthdays as shared celebrations and global events Lifestyle

Serial entrepreneur, Matt Hagger, Founder of London based product development lab and start up accelerator, E-Man, has launched Doppels, his new birthday discovery and celebration startup, built in Lo Read More...
Rob Hall Wriggle

Rob Hall, founder of Wriggle is disrupting the incumbents like Groupon Start-Ups

Around a year ago, I signed up to an app called Wriggle that had just launched in London. Wriggle has grown significantly in that time and recently just closed their second crowdfunding campaign on Se Read More...
Timothy Armoo - Fanbytes

Timothy Armoo, 21 year old Fanbytes CEO, on helping brands reach millennials Social Media

This week I had the chance to ask Timothy Armoo, co founder of Fanbytes. The young entrepreneur has already had success as an entrepreneur and is now fast growing his latest startup Fanbytes. I wante Read More...
Viral Waiting List

The Viral Waiting List Phenomenon – We speak to MaÎtre creator, Manuel Frigerio Growth

MaÎtre, a viral waiting list tool was recently launched and did what it promises to help others do. Go viral. A viral waiting list creates exclusivity and desire to try the product (as long as it is Read More...
UK Startup Accelerators - Featured

UK Startup Accelerators – A Complete Guide Startup Accelerators

Comparing the ever growing number of UK Startup Accelerators Startup accelerators are popping up everyday here in the UK. So to make things easier for you to choose between them, we’ve put toge Read More...

Telecommuting? Pick a Side and Stay There Culture

“Become more fluid” is what Gen Y are screaming to employers! It’s no secret that we millennials are tech obsessed and recognise that the advances in technology mean that the traditional sense o Read More...
2016 marketing plan

What’s missing from your 2016 marketing plan? Marketing

  Probably offline marketing You can be forgiven for thinking that the answer to ‘is offline marketing dead?’ is yes, it is. The problem with assuming that we because we live in a technologic Read More...
pitch@palace featured

Pitch@Palace is back! Entrepreneurship

Pitch@Palace is back for round 5. An event founded by the Duke of York to act as a high profile platform for startups to pitch to a group of invited supporters including CEOs, Angels, Mentors, and key Read More...