Delivering high quality hand-picked foods – Introducing Flavrbox Start-Ups
I’m no stranger to the subscription model which currently seems to be a favourite amongst startups; not only does it offer a personalised and unique experience for the customer, but it’s also incr Read More...

Garage48 Hackathon, Seedcamp and Qminder – The hustle of an Estonian entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
An idea which started from a Garage48 Hackathon when two budding entrepreneurs came together to solve a problem, rather than waiting in a queue to be served in most restuarants and shops, how cool wil Read More...

Revision App now has over 100,000 users and has delivered over 300,000 revision sessions in the past 5 months. Education
Jermaine Hagan, a serial entrepreneur and his cousin, Dennis Owusu-Sem, a former asset management and investment banker are looking to disrupt the education sector with Revision App. I caught up with Read More...

On a day just like today, at a Belgian Cafe in London, on a napkin. Shopitize was born. Entrepreneurship
On a day just like today two years ago, the sun is shining and anyone with a business idea brimming with confidence, feeling like a million bucks. Three friends gathered around at a Belgian cafe in L Read More...

I don’t believe in “I love my idea” startups, because it means they won’t be able to pivot if required. Entrepreneurship
Justo, a former VP Worldwide of Sales Engineering and Product Management at a B2B company is hoping their technology at 24symbols allow users to read whatever they want, whenever they wanted and share Read More...

I was compelled to leave my job and start Metail despite entering the worst economic crisis of our generation. Entrepreneurship
“We need more great entrepreneurs to drag the UK out of the economic doldrums” He said. When Tom starts to speak about his entrepreneurial journey, you can sense and begin to understand ho Read More...

The hustle of an art entrepreneur – Interview with Raphaëlle Heaf of ArtSpotter Entertainments & Art
An art lover, the daughter of a gallery owner. Growing up, Raphaëlle was always surrounded by art. She became interested in meshing both art and tech after her dad bought her a computer at age 5. Alt Read More...

Persistence alone doesn’t guarantee success, you have to listen and understand your customers Entrepreneurship
From an early age, Scott always knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur. He recalls seeing traits in himself such as identifying problems and thinking about the opportunity in solving them. He said ̶ Read More...

The reality is much closer to one or two ordinary people in a basement or garage with their home PCs. Entrepreneurship
Ashley doesn’t boast a typical entrepreneurial story growing up. He din’t sell sweets to profit from in secondary school, nor was he selling lemonades during the weekend. He din’t re Read More...

“You need to drop everything else, drop it all now and just focus on this, This is ‘It’ Jonathan” I can still hear it echoing. Interviews
After one pint and a two hour loose presentation session in a local pub, presenting to a friend, Chris Byatte, Jonathan knew he was on to something. He left everything else and focused on Pressglue. I Read More...
Introducing RentMyItems – An online rental marketplace Entrepreneurship
Warren Heal is the CEO/founder of RentMyItems, an online rental marketplace that allows person to person renting of items owned among friends, family and communities within an online community. I spok Read More...
My father moved to England when he was sixteen. He had one bag and less than £50 to his name! Entrepreneurship
Gabriella is currenly part of a competition for BBC called Be Your Own Boss competition where Richard Reed, the co-founder of Innocent Drinks is hoping to invest his £1 million in the next wave of yo Read More...
How does dress code affect the working environment? Entrepreneurship
The workplace has changed, and dress codes are increasingly open to interpretation by employers. In the fluctuating expectations of the modern working environment, is the traditional approach to ‘su Read More...
Funding, Partnerships, Raising 3 kids and growing Mydeo – Interview with Cary Marsh Entrepreneurship
How does a mother start and grow her business into a successful company while raising three boys? I caught up with Cary Marsh, CEO and founder of Mydeo as she talks me through her journey as an entrep Read More...
Connecting publishers and advertisers : One simple process – Interview with Jakub Krzych, Co-Founder of AdTaily Entrepreneurship
Jakub Krzych is the co-founder of AdTaily and just recently stepped down from his day-to-day role in the company where he now serves as a Supervisory Board Member and a minority shareholder. I recentl Read More...
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