Author Archives: Guest Post

Helping you to get your invoices settled Business

Easy to follow steps to minimise the impact of bad debts that could bring down your business. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, SME’s accounted for 99.9% of the business population at Read More...

Which Approach to Online Marketing is More Viable, Email or Social Media Marketing? Be Inspired

As it often turns out, trying to make the most of all options that are available to you produces better results than just picking the most convenient one. Simply put, conducting an extensive email mar Read More...

Growing a European Business – and Preparing for Brexit Be Inspired

Thanks in no small part to the internet, even SMEs are now able to work globally. And while America always beckons for UK businesses, most of us start out building markets and relationships closer to Read More...

My response to the Government on modernising the home moving process Entrepreneurship

I’ve just devoured the summary of responses to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s call of evidence on improving the home buying and selling process (yes, I geek ou Read More...

7 Low-Cost And Effective Ways To Promote Your Business Marketing

At some point in your company’s lifetime, you might have thought (at least once) that marketing efforts are costing you a lot and you can not afford it. And you might be right, but failing at market Read More...

Top 10 UX features every sales driven e-commerce website has to have. Part 1 Design

“Customers are the investors of your business. If you provide them value, they will nurture your business through their investment.” Abbas Rajani – Inbound and SEO Strategist Entrepreneurs nowa Read More...
Drone business opportunities

The Rise of Drone Business Opportunities Starting a business

Darren Sheffield from drone operators Cloud Vista Studio discusses the opportunities for entrepreneurs to launch a drone business, or for how existing businesses could utilise drones to save costs or Read More...

Want to win at Branding? It’s about consistency Marketing

Type ‘branding’ into any of the search engines and instantly you will be bombarded with vast numbers of self-proclaimed guides. They will offer useful tips that will aid you in boosting your perso Read More...
Visual Content Marketing

Why You Should Be Using Visual Content within Your Marketing Marketing

We humans are visceral creatures; how we are seen by others has an enormous impact on how successful we become. It’s a surprising fact that 93% of all human communication is nonverbal, important to Read More...
The Budding Entrepreneur Launch

Calling all budding entrepreneurs: Ollie Forsyth launches TBE Club Events

The room was in absolute awe as Levi Roots stressed the importance of having a strong community for those leaping into entrepreneurship. “Having a community such as The Budding Entrepreneur Club is Read More...
Paperless Office

How to Switch to a Paperless Office Companies

In this day and age, the need for paper in an office is dwindling. Sure, there are some aspects of work that absolutely have to be printed, however we don’t live in 1950 anymore, so reams of records Read More...

How UK Tech Startups Achieved Success as a Small Business Starting a business

Setting up a business indeed offers a great deal of achievement, but in an entrepreneurial world competition is high and success can be a challenge. A business that has just started, also known as a Read More...
Tel Aviv startup hub

Tel Aviv’s startup revolution Companies

Tel Aviv is now the second startup ecosystem, second only to Silicon Valley. As a hub for some of the world’s most innovative young businesses, the rise in startup culture has brought Tel Aviv to th Read More...
design vs UX

The importance of user experience for startups Design

These days there is a greater importance on user experience for startups. But it’s not as simple as many may think. We spoke to a couple of startups who’ve had success in this area, to sha Read More...
Video Content Marketing

How to use video to maximise your content marketing strategy Advice

You may have an idea for the next big UK business, but in order for a new venture to grow you need to know how to reach your audience. Effective marketing is the key to brand awareness and reaching yo Read More...