Amman from Armley in Leeds, a shy kid at school who was an under performer. Didnt get the grades to get into Manchester University so he begged his way in.
He started to become more confident and things started looking up and bright for him.
It all changed for him when he got an Internship with Hewlett- Packard, it was a sign of things to come, he was finally ready to make his impact, to chase his dream as an entrepreneur.
At HP, He was introduced to sales books, and entrepreneurial books. Such as 4 hour work week, rich dad poor dad, success principles, etc.
These Books he said CHANGED HIS LIFE!
At the time i had the entrepreneurial bug, but also sleeping problems from the stresses of the corporate world so I put two and two together.
I went on a hunt for something natural and instant that could help people with sleeping issues. Through networking, I got a producer in Peru who spent 15 years making music based on the binaural beat technology. After testing it out on myself and feeling the massive positive impact, I thought i was onto something.
I got the music produced and put it on YouTube as samples and got a massive social following.
Now sales are coming through the website, itunes, HMV, amazon mp3, etc.
The site is growing in popularity and Amman is already in talks with some major hotel groups who are looking at integrating this music onto their VOD systems on a revenue sharing model.
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