If you are a startup entrepreneur and you are in London this Friday then you have a chance to be interviewed for the new “Butcher’s Bunch” (it’s a working title…) slot on TechCrunchTV appearing in September.
They will be interviewing entrepreneurs and people on the tech scene across Europe for TEchCrunch TV. But to start off with, we’re doing some quick interviews at the new co-working and events space for tech people in London, TechHub
How’s it going to work? Simple: come along this Friday any time between 11am and 4pm and they will interview you. It’ll be first come first served basis, There’s no guarantee you will make the final cut but.. you have to be in it to win it… right?
This is all going to get a little more organised in time, but in the meantime, come on down, your five minutes of fame awaits you…