It is always interesting to find a young entrepreneur who is trying to take their claim or make their mark on the world.
Today it is Jellyellie, who decided to stop going to school at age 14, because she became frustrated at the school system which led her to becoming home-schooled.
She ended up joining a local home education group where she said she met some crazy people(in a good way) and had tons of fun, eventually took one GCSE in business studies.
Her entrepreneurial journey started when she was 12, she created a website called, she calls it “the world’s first and most cited website about bluejacking – the art of sending anonymous messages via Bluetooth mobile phones”.
The website became an instant success with over 5.5 million page views which led her being interviewed for national and international print newspaper, Magazines, websites and also on TV.
At 15, she got her first publishing deal which resulted in her writing a book called How Teenagers Think, an insider’s guide for parents about bringing up teenagers, the book is then been translated into Italian and Polish, don’t ask me why i don’t know.
She also sits on the board for Young Chamber UK, an enterprise initiative between schools and local businesses. She also has a role on the Youth Advisory Board of the Youth Citizenship Commission.
She said
My book opened lots of doors for me, including the opportunity to be represented by speaking agent Sylvia Tidy-Harris. Like any great opportunity that presents itself to me, I absolutely leaped at this one, and have since flown all round the UK - and the world - speaking to both adults and young people..
I've now started my own youth insight agency, called jellyTeens. I utilise my network of 13-24 year olds from around the world to provide companies and organisations with primary research into what young people today are really like - straight from the horse's mouth. I secured my first client, a huge multi-national media agency, and delivered an insight project that helped them secure a massive telecoms client.
I was inspired to tackle this issue after noticing a lack of parenting books actually written by teenagers, so I set out to give parents a real insider’s guide into what it’s like being a teenager today. Not only do I use my views to broach 21 of the most common subject’s parents and their teens face today – from sex and drugs to money, school and being spoilt – I've also interviewed a wide range of my friends from the length and breadth of the country to gather their opinions.
The future
She said she hopes to write books, be a freelance writer/journalist, set her own business, and become a multi-billionaire magnanimous entrepreneur.
Check out her Websites: