Name: Jacob Cass
Company: Just Creative Designs,logooftheday and logodesignerblog
Age: 22
Location : Sydney, Australia
Position: Founder/CEO of justcreativedesign, logooftheday and logodesignerblog
Details of companies
JustCreativeDesign: His site Just Creative Design was launched in November 2007, it focuses on all areas of design and creativity, ranging from but not limited to; graphic design, logo design, web design, advertising, branding, typography, life, other graphic designers, blogging in general, resourceful material, his work, photography, colour, marketing and more
Logooftheday: Logo Of The Day is a high-profile logo design award scheme that rewards the best professional logos and trademarks designed throughout the world. All suggested logos are screened by our two judges Jacob Cass & Jeff Fisher to ensure this.
LogodesignerBlog: Logo Designer Blog is a blog focused purely on branding, logo & identity design.
Education: University of Newcastle, Sydney Australia -Bachelor of Visual Communication (Graphic Design Major).
Background Description:
Jacob was Born in Queensland, Australia in 1987, Moved to Sydney, Australia in 1990, had his first website at the age of 12, got his first freelance job designing a website at age 16, he then went on to study design & IT.
Received a Higher School Certificate within the top 10% of his state. major of his work was redesigning his high school’s website and final mark was in the top 1% of the State.
Completed Design Elements Cert II. course at TAFE college
Lived, studied & worked in Gothenburg, Sweden for 11 months.
Returned from Sweden, moved to Newcastle and started studying at Newcastle University. Won several Youth Design Awards. Started Just Creative Design in November. Took a cruise around the Pacific ocean and then flew to Fiji in December.
Just Creative Design: His site Just Creative Design was launched in November 2007, it focuses on all areas of design and creativity, ranging from but not limited to; graphic design, logo design, web design, advertising, branding, typography, life, other graphic designers, blogging in general, resourceful material, his work, photography, colour, marketing and more.
Charity: Raised USD$1620 for charity through this blog.
Personal Quote: My life is design, I love it and I surround myself in it every day.
Passionate (I absolutely love what I do)
Enthusiastic (I want to learn)
Sceptical (I think critically)
Focused (I have the right attitude)
Hobbies: From Staying on the beach to travelling(has already been to 32 countries so far) and listening to music.
Future plans: He plans to move to new York in January 2010 to work for carrot creative design studio for 1-2 years.