In the current economy when everyone is feeling the squeeze and trying to come up with ways to tighten their belts, it can be tricky to think of ways to reduce expenditure. For small businesses this can be a matter of whether your company survives or goes under. There are several ways to reduce your costs and ensure that you aren’t spending unnecessary and sometimes vital funds.
Choose Computers Wisely
Laptops consume a lot less energy than desktop computers, in some cases as much as 90%! Where possible, have your employees use laptops instead of PCs. If you do need to have desktop computers then make sure that they are being shut down at the end of the working day and that computer monitors are not being left on. Small steps such as these can see big reductions in energy bills.
Keep an eye on stationary costs, if you are purchasing items weekly from a local shop you could be paying more than you would to order in bulk once a month from a dedicated stationary company who sell solely to businesses.
Mobile Phones
Review your employees’ phone usage and invest in the right mobile phone contracts. Remember that staff won’t all use their phones in the same way, so it is a good idea to keep a record of how individual members of staff make use of their phone, unless you can negotiate a good business rate that covers all business calls, it might make more financial sense to operate different contracts for different employees. Websites such as can give you better deals for any staff travelling abroad with a simple plan and no overcomplicated charges, so you know what you’re getting.
Energy Use
An old favourite but it does really make a difference, make sure staff turn off lights and switch off any electrical appliances not in use. You could invest in motion sensors which will automatically turn lights off in spaces which aren’t being used. Companies who have made the effort to ensure that energy isn’t being used unnecessarily have reported big reductions in their utility bills. This article from BBC news shows how many households and businesses have managed to cut their energy usage by a quarter.
It might sound silly, but whenever you are taking out a new contract or changing service providers, negotiate to see if you can get a better deal. Some companies offer better rates to businesses so it is always worth asking whether the deal you are being offered is the best that can be given to you. Also make a point of shopping around before making any changes to ensure that you are getting the best value for money.
Remember whenever you find ways to cut costs, it’s only a wise choice if it doesn’t affect the way your business operates on a professional level. It might seem like a good idea to move to a cheaper office, for example, but not if it’s in an area that client’s don’t feel comfortable visiting. Don’t be too hasty when it comes to making cuts and only consider those which will allow your business to continue operating as usual on the surface. After all, you want to make decisions which will help to optimise your business, not affect it negatively!