There may not be a foolproof plan for getting tougher in the ring but there are a few things that you can do that will allow you to better absorb punches, and last a bit longer than you perhaps at present.
In order to be tougher in the ring, you have to pay strict attention to your preparation and training. There are a few things that you can do to help you to last longer and generally stand tougher when fighting.
1. Never Lose Eye Contact – If you want to seem tougher, you have to maintain eye contact at all times. Even if you get hit, you will be intimidating if you do not lose that contact.
Aside from that, any punches you take are going to be expected so they will be a bit less painful. Experts all agree that the punches you can see hurt much less than those you cannot see.
2. Relax – Relaxation is key in fighting and you have to be able to relax, even if you are getting pounded. Doing so will allow you to absorb hits much better and rebound from those hits much faster.
When you tense up, you are setting yourself up for pain. Relaxing allows your body to deter much of the pain that you will feel, when you get hit.
3. Have Good Equipment – Good equipment is essential in any sport and this is certainly true of fighting. While having the best gloves are not going to help you to avoid getting hit, they are going to help you to deliver ten times what you take. So if you get hit hard, you can punch them back even harder.
There are various shops that specialise in fight equipment like, and these are often the best places to find quality equipment.
4. Block When You Must – You shouldn’t try to block every single punch that is thrown at you but rather try to block those powerful ones. It is important that you learn the differences in punches and know which ones are likely to cause the most damage, so that you will know which ones to really avoid.
5. Brace Yourself – When you know that you are about to take a body shot, you have to brace yourself. In order to effectively absorb hits to the stomach for instance, you have to tighten up the stomach muscles and breathe out as the hit is delivered. This creates a protective shell.
Being tough in some cases simply means looking tough. Boxing is a mind game and to withstand pain, you need to have a mind-set that is as tough as your body. There are a few things that you have to do in order to prepare yourself for those hits; training and the right equipment are both essential parts of being tough in the ring as well as a positive mental attitude.
This article was written by; the go-to-experts for MMA fight gear and equipment.