I got a call from a friend of mine, who is currently working on his startup and had recently decided to expand his business by buying a camera to record music artists, artists, poets, basically everyone in the entertainment and art industry to showcase the importance of his business to the industry which i though was a smart move.
After he bought the camera, he started looking for someone to help him with the editing and possibly an interviewer to do the interviews, but time was running and with no luck in getting someone, he calls me.
We ended up talking about how we should work together as i had been talking to him about how i wanted to start the video section of YHP, but just din't have the equipment, A win-win situation for both of us.
Then he talked about how he is going to start doing the interviews and editing himself because he couldn't wait forever for someone to come onboard and needed to showcase some of his work which can hopefully give him the exposure he wanted for his business.
To cut the story short....
3 months later, he did his first music video and to be honest, it wasn't that bad for someone that is just still learning.I had been watching his progress from afar, assessing how much work he was willing to put or maybe he was just one of those people that spent, talked and gave up when things got too complicated.
But rather, he was the opposite, As Lupe Fiasco says "The show must go on" he got the right editing programs with the help of friends and youtube, Oh the mighty youtube, he learnt how to use the camera and how to become better at editing.
In just 3 months, he has gone from someone that knew absolutely nothing about recording or editing,to someone that now has great work to show off in his portfolio.
So to when he called me...
Me:Hey dude, I can't believe you are doing it, your editing is really coming along nicely.you know.
Him: Thanks man, i really appreciate it, I'm still learning you know, i got so much more to show.
And then he said: you know it's nothing you know (Of course it is something, spending time going completely into a different industry you knew nothing about had to be something), but anyways that wasn't the point, I'm sure he was only trying to be modest, he later then said: Joseph, It ain't really about talent you know, i have just been working hard and learning how to do it you know.
I quickly remembered our last conversation, when we were discussing about just starting something and not spending time speculating or waiting to be perfect and he then agreed that he was going to put his work out there, open to criticism whilst trying to improve its craft.
I guess it just shows that starting something is really important, just as important as the efforts to make that decision to start worthwhile. Maybe spending time worrying and speculating, is giving ourselves Excuses - I mean reasons - not to start.
To put it out simply: Just start it, Just do it, start it today and work hard and keep improving on your work and eventually you will realise that hard work really does pay off.