For those that simply can't be bothered to go onto every website, looking for the hottest news or cant just keep up with the speed of information, especially in the entrepreneurial world, where everything changes so fast.
These are some of the sites that can help stay current/updated at all times.
I must admit that Hacker News has grown into being one of my favorite places to find interesting stories. Its just not a news aggregator but has a huge community around it. The perfect to go, to get feedbacks on your projects, advice on your startups and connected to the entrepreneurial scene.
Techmeme is a tech focused news aggregator, considered the best tech news aggregator on the web.
The website aggregates tech news headlines from across the web, will tell you the topics that people are discussing, and who is discussing them, at any moment in time.
Reddit is another news aggregator which can certainly keep you up to the date with the top news in business, startups and entrepreneurs. With an healthy community, the participation of users has certainly helped reddit maintain growth, with each user staying on the site for a minimum of 15 minutes, it shows how strong and how much the users care about the site, the recent dip of digg in traffic and users surely doesnt hurt.
Pop urls
Pop urls displays a number of hand-picked websites and social networks, as well as a number of popular blogs. It is described as "the dashboard for the latest web-buzz, a single page that encapsulates up-to-the-minute headlines from the most popular sites on the Internet".
When launched, the founder Guy Kawasaki described it as an “online magazine rack” that displays news from selected top online publications and blogs. it is aimed towards those you that cant really be bothered using a RSS feed.