Written by : Osei
Chief editor of : http://www.flyprints.co.uk/blog
Last month I was reading 50 cent and Robert Greene's ‘50th Law of power’. I found it to be too dark and Machiavellian, however, it had many good principals. One which stuck with me was making sugar out of sh*t.
A while back when I was trying to think of ways to incorporate printing into my blog FLYPRINTS. I thought of an Idea called T-shirt Tuesday, where in which I would release a new T-shirt design to my readers and give them the opportunity to buy them. Needless to say they didn’t sell very well. However, being resourceful guys we decided to go to brick lane (known for fashion) a sell them (illegally) on the road side, something we’ve seen many people do and on the day we sold out. By adopting this very simple principal we managed to make a profit and increase awareness off our blog.
Feeling like pirate superheroes, we thought we were onto something here. So again we didn’t sell out online and we thought we’d make our way down to Brick lane. This time things weren’t selling and on top of that we were caught by the police. The police promptly gave us a warning, stating that if we were caught trading illegally again we would be fined £5000! Remember we were fresh out of Uni so were already up to our necks In debt. So what where we going to do!?
With Robert Greene and 50 cent’s principal still freshly in my mind I thought let me try and do this legally so I emailed the authorities of the market in Brick lane and requested I’d be given a stall. In the email I stated what we did and most importantly I stated what was in it for them, this being free publicity of the market on the blog. They then gave us a stall.
To conclude the attitude of making things happen, when circumstances aren’t ideal is what lead us to having this stall. We went for selling on the road side to having a stall… who knows where we’ll be next year. When was the last time you turned a bad situation on its head?