Written by : Osei
Chief editor of : http://www.flyprints.co.uk/blog
OK let me first start of by saying that I’m one of those people who don’t particularly like school. The rigidness of the system, the power hungry ego maniac teachers and the out dated way of teaching pisses me off. I am not an academic person, I am one of those students who drew Dragonball z characters whist in science .So, it would be natural for me to dislike or school right? Especially after the books I’ve read and the things I’ve heard about employers valuing experience over education. I have grown to dislike the education system and valued the art of everything unorthodox.
However with that said the older i get the more i see my university education benefiting my real life i graduated almost 1 year and a half ago. The endless reports and researching has prepared me for a world of blogging. Without this experience i wouldn’t have known about referencing quotes and bodies of work that i got from other people and how to properly structure an argument. (Although my spelling and punctuation is still terrible, thank God for spell check)
Without my knowledge of strategy I wouldn’t have thought to adopt a hybrid strategy for my company FLYPRINTS, a hybrid strategy is defined as when a company competes on price whilst differentiating their business from their competitors. A prime example would be IKEA a company who has relatively low prices but has very unique products. In my opinion the companies who do the best are the ones who set out to achieve this from day one.
To conclude i think for me a good formal education never hurts, it opened me up to a new world and a different social circle. I think my beef with School was how little they prepare you for the REAL WORLD but, things are changing have you seen these new academies! Not to mention all the summer courses, entrepreneurial courses etc. What do you think about formal education?