A selection of tweets I have come across this past week that I thought would be interesting to share with you all:
My Life Without A Smartphone: http://t.co/MunduSewji via @FastCompany
— Joel Gascoigne (@joelgascoigne) May 24, 2014
Speed of decision-making is a huge startup advantage compared to large companies. Don't squander.
— Hunter Walk (@hunterwalk) May 23, 2014
Early stage in a startup you will be facing enormous problems, disappointed in progress, frustrated with product. This cannot cloud vision
— That's Swantastic!! (@AndySwan) May 21, 2014
"We will buy from you, if you can speak poorly about your competitors," said no customer prospect, ever.
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) May 24, 2014
Entrepreneurs to venture capitalists: We’re looking for 5 traits http://t.co/dHN2ibvMuW via @VentureBeat #entrepreneur #startup #VC
— Michael Koh (@MKohSD) May 24, 2014