Nadine is the Founder and CEO of Soul Purpose, a direct sales company that sells a full and comprehensive line of bath, body, beauty and skin care products.
She said "I launched Soul Purpose with the vision to create quality products; to empower people to put self- and health-care first; and to create entrepreneurial opportunities for our consultants."
Prior to launching Soul Purpose, Nadine founded Warm Spirit in 1999, Warm Spirit produced a comprehensive collection of nature-based beauty and wellness products. With annual sales of over $16 million per year the company transformed the face of the direct sales and network marketing industry by providing an opportunity for wealth and financial freedom for women, especially in the African-American community.
I spoke to Nadine about her journey so far.
Can you tell me a little about yourself? What’s your background?
I am a wife, mother and a social entrepreneur. My education and professional training is in Clinical social Work and Family Therapy. I did my graduate studies at Smith College in North Hampton MA.
I was in Trinidad and grew up in Toronto Canada. I immigrated to the US for graduate school and them married and stayed here after graduation.
Take us back a little, how did you get into business?
I began my entrepreneurial career after recognizing that the basis of a lot of stress, depression, anxiety and lack of empowerment for women was directly related to their financial woes. I decided women needed alternative ways to supplement their income as well as ways to create wealth.
I decided that creating a line of pampering products that they could use and also sell and coupling that with an entrepreneurial business opportunity would be able to change lives.
Tell me how the idea for Soul Purpose came about?
After my first company called Warm Spirit came to an end; I decided to continue on with my calling to empower women and create Soul Purpose. It was the same type of bath, body and wellness products coupled with a work from home business opportunity. We also decided to make this company as “green” as possible.
The products are all natural, in many cases organic, vegan and not tested on animals. We use single walled jars and encourage our reps to recycle.
We have been able to do things on a much larger scale due to our partnership with FDI Youngevity. They provide all of operations, shipping and handling and customer service.
When did you decide to start taking it seriously?
I took it quite seriously from the beginning because of the tremendous investment of time and finances it took to get it off the ground. It felt like a second chance and opportunity and therefore my only option is to succeed.
Tell me more about the company. What is Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company?
Soul Purpose lifestyle Company is a direct sales company that sells a full and comprehensive line of bath, body, beauty and skin care products. We sell through entrepreneurs who sell “door to door” as well as at the workplace, church and within their communities. It provides a work from home business opportunity with an opportunity to make an extraordinary income by selling products and recruiting other team members to do the same.
Talking about early days, what difficulties did you encounter in your early days of starting Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company and tell us how you got out of it?
Getting the right amount of financing to develop out the product line as well as to do some proper marketing initiatives has been and still is a challenge. Financing is very limited for women and even more difficult for minority women. We have had to be very fiscally conservative in order to stay in business.
Who is your inspiration and why?
I was initially very inspired by Madame CJ Walker who was America’s first female millionaire. She achieved this status as an African American woman back in the day when women worked as laundry women and share croppers. She earned her millions by developing a door to door network of sales women who sold hair care products.
The other woman was Mary Kay Ash who developed Mary Kay cosmetics. Mary Kay’s legacy is that she created more female millionaires than any other corporation in the United States using the same Direct Sales method. In addition, I am inspired by President Barack Obama who seems to be led by a calling, a vision of how things can be better, a strong work ethic and a determination to succeed despite the naysayers, sabotage and the challenges of the economy and forces beyond his control. He still appears confident and resilient.
How has the journey been so far?
It has been a tremendous journey. Much more difficult and challenging than I ever thought it would be. It is rewarding because of the women and communities that I have been able to help, the quality of products that I have been able to develop. I keep praying for resilience to make it through this financial downturn in the economy.
What would you say has been your most memorable moment so far?
Walking into a packed room full of Soul Purpose entrepreneurs who are applauding because I have positively impacted their lives.
What would you say has been some of the key things that you’ve learnt on your journey so far?
Resilience is the key to sustainability.
Your true friends can be your back bone and support.
Relationships are key to success both on the personal and professional level.
Conservative financing is the best way to go.
Networking always pays off.
Do what you say you’re going to do.
Help others along the way.
What achievement are you most proud of?
Recruiting over 6000 women and men in 4 years. Making the list of the 50 most Powerful People in the Network marketing industry 4 years in a row. And the beautiful line of products that I created. When I step into the shower and use the products, I always smile and feel proud about what I have created.
What key advices would you like to give to other female entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs in general looking to follow in your footstep?
Work hard, pray hard, have fun and be resilient.
What are you most looking forward to in 2012?
I am looking forward to the economy turning around this year as well as getting some media attention for Soul Purpose. I believe that we have a tremendous company, excellent products and an inspiring vision, what we need is for people to find out that we exist and join us as entrepreneurs or to purchase the products and host parties as customers.