Sandeep Ahluwalia is a young entrepreneur at Queen Mary, University of London where he is currently studying for his Engineering & Business Management degree. At the same time he is running his own business V8 Design, a creative company specialising in print and web design.
Sandeep has been running V8 Design for the last 5 years while at college and university. He describes himself as 'Student of engineering, disciple of design and an apprentice of business, all topped off with spiky hair and glasses.' In 2009 he was a finalist in XING University Business Competition.
He is also part of the team at NACUE, a national organisation that supports and represents university enterprise societies and student entrepreneurs to drive the growth of entrepreneurship across the UK, where is is the development officer.
He has managed to balance studying, working and other activities including being one of the founders of Queen Mary Entrepreneurs (QME) a student society dedicated to encouraging and supporting entrepreneurship and enterprise.
Many universities around the UK are now encouraging entrepreneurship more and this has seen a rise in entrepreneurship societies which provide great breeding grounds for student entrepreneurs. The success of the Oxford Entrepreneurs Society in providing a community of similar minded people has seen numerous startups come from there.
His entrepreneurial spirit has seen him take on the role of vice president of QME, where Sandeep is dedicated to changing the face of entrepreneurship within the walls of the university campus by encouraging and motivating students into realising entrepreneurship as a viable career path.
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