After graduating from the university of Teesside 5 years ago with an MA in Computer Animation, Satish Shewhorak set up MoShine animation studio, an award winning digital design studio together with three of his fellow students.
The idea of starting moShine animation studio came to Satish and his friends one night as they were watching graphics on some television shows and thought they could do a better job than what they were seeing. They then got to work and contacted a maker of a music television show and offered to titivate their graphics which fortunately they agreed to.
With the support from the lecturers providing them with much needed advice, the founding members confident on their new business decided to take matters in their own hands and create their own animation studio. They got in touch with DigitalCity, which is a Teesside cultural regeneration organisation who provide funding to new arts projects and business, who helped them fund their business. Satish also had help from business link who also gave them business advice on their new project.
MoShine grew to become a groundbreaking multi-disciplinary animation and design studio which amassed an impressive portfolio of creative and commercial design work, including motion graphics for TV, animation for corporate events, visual effects for short films, web design and character design. The business took advantage of the skills and economy of the North East whilst working on an international level with agencies in London and Tokyo.
By working on the company Satish expanded his marketing knowledge, business development experience and social media skills.
Although the company had tremendous success and was even awarded the best new company award at the Digital City Fellowships 2005 exhibition, Satish and his fellow founders-Mr Shewhorak, Michael Siu and Stephen Caie- decided to part ways after having worked together for 5 years.