Michael Simmons is an author, teacher but primarily one of USA’s motivating young entrepreneur.
As an author, he has formed an interesting guide book for present and future entrepreneurs.
His book, “The Student Success Manifesto " has been highly rated by educators, entrepreneurs, professionals, students, and best-selling authors Mark Victor Hansen and Stephen Covey.
As an entrepreneur he has been decorated with three “Entrepreneur of the year” awards (from different organisation) all under the age of 25.
His first company “Princeton Web Solutions” began whilst he was 16, which provides advice and help to those in need of starting business website. Michael has been rated #1 within the youth-run web development company in the nation by Youngbiz Magazine.
As a teacher, he is highly respected within Extreme Entrepreneurship Education/tour which is co-founded by Michael.
Extreme entrepreneurship education as a tour, aims to educate young adult regarding the world outside their education institution. Michael and his Partner, Sheena Lindahl (likeminded smart entrepreneur) has been the first pair to ever create a tour that teaches students about entrepreneurship.
Michael and many other speakers go from colleges and university within USA in order to present and states Extreme Entrepreneurship Goal. USA isn’t their limit; they aim to take over the world.
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