Michael Costigan is a serial entrepruneur, who is just as interested in encouraging others to succeed, as he is in his own success.
Micheal has 3 succesful start ups to his name and he is just 17 years old.
A social entrepreneur, Michael also is a public speaker and is dedicated to helping teens with their issues. His website speakingofmichael.com is dedicated to improving communication between parents and teens to better help them make decisions. Here he has made himself a valued brand and his communication skills are his product.
At 13 the young entreprenuer began madFusion LLC, mad standing for Marketing, Advertyising and Design. The service is aimed atprovide graphic design, business strategy and social media consultancy to the young and up coming entreprenuers of this generation.
Mr Costigans work was recognised by the Youth Venture organisation who offered Michael a grant to help with continued development of the business.
During his close partership with Youth Venture, Michael developed an ability as a public speaker. As his interest for entrepenuership grew, so did his view toward the potential growth of global technologies. This led to the foundation of Think Top Down, a company that looks into software development for the iPhone.
Micheal continues to look forward and helping others. His latest endeveour focuses on adolesent psychology. His communication and leadership skills have been a driving force in his success at such a young age. He now has the opportunity to speak around the world and is still continously learning as he imparts his own knowledge to help others.
“In order to understand, you must listen”
Michael Costigan
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