Hey Guys, This is a Guest post written by Colin Wright, He is founder and CEO of Colin Is My Name and Exile Lifestyle, where He runs a sustainable design and development studio while traveling around the world, a new country every 4 months.
There are all kinds of TV shows (reality and otherwise), blogs, books and speakers all furiously spouting words about this topic, and I'd like to think it's a positive sign for the future that it is once again cool to be a business person.
That being said, there are downsides to this trend, and it is becoming clearer and clearer that many of the people who are hopping on this bandwagon are looking for the title and glory without investing any time in getting things going.
It's easy to think you are an entrepreneur just because your have an idea and talk about lifestyle design and location independence and Getting Things Done and blah blah blah with other people with their own ideas.
I'm going to lay some reality on you, buckaroo: that doesn't make you an entrepreneur. That makes you a human being.
Human beings have ideas. It's part of what makes us, us. We're sentient and self-aware. We adapt our environment to suit our needs. Our minds are constantly working to figure out ways to improve our stake in the world, so that we can pass on our DNA to the next generation. Yawn.
What sets REAL entrepreneurs apart is their willingness and ability to DO SOMETHING.
Thoughts are great, and talking about them is fine and dandy, but unless you act on your ideas, you're just like any other schmuck, except that you think you're something you're not.
Thankfully, it's really easy to move forward with an idea. Crazy-easy, actually.
Write down your goal at the bottom of a piece of paper. Done? Okay, now think of the VERY first step you'll need to take to achieve that goal.
For example, if you want to own a boutique vintage clothing store, but currently you know nothing about fashion or how to run a store, the very first thing you'll want to do is learn something about fashion, merchandising and the boutique market (to make sure you REALLY want to go in that direction). Sign up for a fashion class at a local college and snag a book at the library about running your own store.
If you don't have a library card, make that the first item on your list. If you don't have the money to take a class, find online resources to get you started. Once you've achieved this first goal, write down the very next goal on that sheet of paper.
Continue until you've reached that goal at the bottom of the sheet, or figured out a new goal you want to achieve instead.
The idea is to break up your long-term goal into digestible pieces. The largest hurdle that keeps people from moving forward is that their ideas just seem so big...it's much easier to keep thinking and hoping some huge opportunity will come along (winning the lottery, for example), but that's not very likely to happen.
Moving toward your goal, slowly but persistently, will allow you to keep heading in the right direction while at the same time allowing you to keep living your life (until you actually REACH that goal, at which point, I can assure you, it WILL take over your life!).
So start now. Right at this very second. Stop thinking about what you want to do and start doing.
Otherwise you're just another human, and although there's nothing wrong with that, it's SOOOO not in right now.