A Student at the University of Kingston studying business has created a website that offers online copyright, he re-launched the site today “TheRightcopy.co.uk”.
It offers free online protected copyright for a number of intellectual properties such as:
Design Registration (Graphics, logo, photography, paintings etc)
Visual Registration (Film, Documentaries, Animation, Plays etc)
Audio Registration (Sounds, Music, Musical Works, Recordings etc)
Writers Registration (Books, writings, poetry, Memoirs, Blogs etc).
Every major Studio in the UK music industry is Buzzing with support and praise for the “sheer Genius” of The RightCopy. It has given up and coming artist the much needed protection they need and with relative ease, you can copyright your material in three easy steps.
I have a lot of friends in the music industry and i noticed they kept sending their work to themselves by post via special delivery, I thought i would cut out that process, where they could do it easier, faster and for free, fully protected, for those who want their original work, we can also send it to them for £3 on a CD.
I tried to make the signup process as smooth and simple as possible with only three process, you know: Signup(Enter your details) Upload(Upload what you want to copyright) Certification(and then you get your certificate, which means your work is copyrighted and you can sue anyone that uses it.
Rarely do i come across an entrepreneur not following the crowd, rarely do you get the odd idea or start-up, so simple yet so efficient, although only people from the valley are regarded as gurus or web entrepreneur but i think this is something to go home to think about.
Universities, Poetry communities and even art galleries are directing their members to The RightCopy, “protection at your fingertips”.
The Buzz and interest has been so huge that over a thousand users singed up in the first week and about 70% are actively using the site. It has even caught the eye of a major record label that are looking to use the website exclusively, keep in touch via their blog, we will spill the beans once we’re legally allowed to do so!
My initial target market were students, but after the launch, i have seen that publishing companies, record labels and other big companies might be very interested in the website, so that’s interesting, i believe anyone doing stuff online should really be copyrighting their work.
The Buzz has also been great, the response has been fantastic, we’ve been promoting it mostly online, just via facebook, twitter and word of mouth and i have also been spending a lot of time on the phone convincing friends that i knew it would benefit to sign up and refer their friends also, We’ve mainly got lots of poets and music artists signing up but we are looking to get more people to know about it. Most of my friends are in uni, i am still getting them to spread the word around as well.
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