So i got a message on my facebook from a mate of mine, paying his tribute to the now late Jim Rohn.
So i decided to message quickly if i could share it with you guys on the site and he agreed
He started off by sharing a nice quote from the great man himself.
“Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.” Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn has inspired millions and even in his passing, his legacy will continue to live on.
Here’s something i’ve written in tribute of the legend that is Jim Rohn… I say is because legends never die.
Rise above it!
You have everything within you to create the life that you’ve dreamed of.
You have been blessed with a brain that far outweighs the computational powers of the most advanced computer.
You have been given opportunities to grow and can overcome any problem you are faced with when you face it with the right attitude.
You are one in a billion and are a born winner!
You have overcome odds far greater than winning the jackpot on any lottery just by being born.
The challenges you face are blessings to a greater life
plant and nurture the seeds of your thoughts and your ideas for they are more powerful than any force in the universe
You were born brilliant and your brilliant life is in your hand!
Keep shining for you are the sun in someone’s life
- Fahad Maniar- Feel free to stop by his website below.