Is it a Spotify killer?
If you hadn't noticed, music subscription services are where it's at these days. In an ideal world, Spotify would have us all subscribing, Napster has made its own subscription service more affordable of late and Sky has just launched its own music service. So it will be interesting to see what impact Rdio has in an ever-growing market.
Rdio is the latest project from Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. if those names are unfamiliar to you, let's just say they were the names behind Skype, Kazoo and latterly the Joost video service. Although with Joost having just gone into administration in the UK, perhaps it's best not to mention that one too loudly.
The service, if early reports are to believed, will let you share and archive music through a browser and stream it to mobile devices. You know, just like Spotify. Janus Friis told Bloomberg: 'We felt the time was right to revisit this space, this time with a compelling offering and a sustainable subscription model.'
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