Reynoir Clothing was formed not with the idea of bringing one style or one persons ideas about into the world. We believe that style is in the eye of wearer and therefore we strive to combine our own ideas with the ideas of the public to constantly bring you a new styles or old styles with a new swagger with every design.
Hello, how are you doing?
I’m great, I woke up this morning so I can’t complain about anything else
Can you give us brief background information about yourself, what’s your name? How old are you? Where are you from?
My name is Reynoir Lewis, everyone calls me Renny or DJ Scoop, I’m 22 years old, I was born in Los Angeles, and grew up in New York/New Jersey
When was Reynoir Clothing born?
Reynoir Clothing was born unofficially when I was a little kid because I loved to draw and paint. It was officially registered as a New Jersey state business in 2006, when I started hand painting original clothing for people in my college.
What is Reynoir Clothing about?
Reynoir is about transforming common and mundane clothing into something unique and extravagant.
At what age did you get into fashion?
I got into fashion when I was 12 or 13 because I liked putting my own artwork on my t-shirts or hoodies to wear for myself, then people started to like what I was doing and it grew from there.
What makes your designs unique?
My designs are unique because they are not copied from someone else, they are not stolen, and they have not already been made and just tweaked to fit what I want. I sit down and I make paintings or digital artworks or take photos and from those creations I develop the theme for an outfit or the basis of my collections.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get my inspiration from the world around me. Anything or anyone I come in contact with can be a possible inspiration from something they may say or the way something may look. I am also inspired by classic Asian artwork because of the unique color palettes and ever changing ideals hidden inside of the art.
What makes your clothing line relevant to today’s society?
My clothing is relevant in today’s society because I cover a wide range from urban and casual wear to suits and
dresses so there is something for everyone here. Today’s society is always changing and more people are realizing that they want to be leaders and not followers so they are looking for something original that can help them separate from the followers and that is wear my clothing comes into play always changing.
Would you have done anything differently, if you could go back in time?
No because everything I have been through has made me who I am so if I go back and change something I would essentially be changing myself.
How did you raise money for your business?
I have been djing since I was 11 so that was the foundation of my money support. I am also a graphic designer which brought in more money to help support my business.
Who are your competitors? (Customer profile)
I don’t have competitors because my clothing is original. Having competitors means you’re doing the same thing someone else is doing. I’m a leader not a follower.
Who are your target markets?
My target market is anyone and everyone who just likes to wear my clothing because they feel they look good in it.
What are your advertising strategies? (Do you use any social networking sites to promote your brand).
Outside of word of mouth, our website ( and having a team that handles face to face conferences, we are on facebook – renny djscoop lewis,,,,
What fabrics do you mostly deal with?
I love to use cottons because I can paint on them very easily, but I also use a lot of suede and silk.
What was the most important lesson you have learnt so far?
If you want to get something done, do it yourself and the only person you can truly trust is yourself so never doubt your own gut feeling to do or not to do something.
Who is your role model/influence?
My role model/influence would have to be Jamie Foxx & Julien Beever. Jamie Foxx because his style is very simple yet always sharp, crisp and unique. Julian Beever is one of the world’s leading 3D chalk artists and his artwork shows me that the simplest things in life go a long way i.e. he makes millions off of chalk drawings!!!
What has been your greatest achievement so far?
Just enjoying and being able to live off of the things I do and not have to do anything else.
What are your advices for Aspiring young entrepreneurs looking to break in the Fashion industry or other industries?
Hold your ground, be patient and do what you feel is right, be a leader and be original, if you perfect one thing and do it well then it matters not how many other things the next person can do because you will always be able to do what you do better than them.
So what do you feel your success so far has been based on?
Hard work, endless nights of working and true love for what I do.
So what’s next for Reynoir Clothing?
Working on collaboration with right now and coming to stores near you very soon.
Thank you for yout time and good luck